What's New at London Village

Program Spotlight

We're thrilled to unveil the latest addition to The London Village - our brand-new Snoezelen Room! Back in 2022, our management recognized the importance of enhancing our program opportunities right here on-site. Knowing that our staff and participants were traveling off-site to access sensory experiences, we knew it was time for a change.

Thanks to the generous support of The Salvation Army Innovation Grant and our partnership with Flaghouse (now School Specialties), we've transformed a vision into reality. Within just one year, our Snoezelen Room was meticulously designed, assembled, and ready to welcome our community. And we're delighted to share that the Grand Opening took place on November 27, 2023!

Inspired by the success of the Snoezelen Room at Community Living London (CLL), we took cues from their expertise to create a space that caters to the diverse needs of our participants. CLL graciously offered insights into equipment preferences, cleanliness considerations, and participant favorites, which guided our thoughtful decisions every step of the way.

The result? A sensory sanctuary loved by all! Our immersive room offers a haven of serenity, carefully curated with a blend of sounds, lights, scents, and textures. Designed to foster relaxation and reduce stress, it's proven to enhance the quality of life for all our program participants. Research indicates that multi-sensory rooms utilized by individuals with disabilities or those on the autism spectrum can alleviate anxiety, enhance muscle tone, boost cognitive, sensory, and physical capabilities, and offer a simultaneously invigorating and calming experience.

From our Respite Programs to our Adult Day Program for seniors, everyone is welcome to experience the benefits of our Snoezelen Room. But don't just take our word for it! Here's what Sherry Rowland, our Program Director – Respite / Adult Day Program, has to say:

“This sensory room is a wonderful addition to our existing programming, enhancing the quality of life for all our program participants. They are thoroughly enjoying this new space, which provides them with a safe and stimulating environment.”

The feedback speaks volumes! Richard, a participant in our autism spectrum disorder program, is absolutely thrilled with the new addition. Here's what his mom, Selina, had to say:

“I am thrilled that London Village has so many amenities, and I was so excited to find out they created a Snoezelen Room. We no longer have to travel farther to use one, and Richard really loves his time using the room.”

saturday hangouts!


 at The Salvation Army London Village has begun!

A program for independent adults to connect with friends.

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