The Salvation Army London Village has been part of the London community since 1954. Originally operating as a Children’s Village, all six cottages ran on a parent-model living arrangement for orphaned children. With the increased use of foster care, the needs of the community changed and the Village has adjusted services in response.
Respite Program Origins
One such change came with the deinstitutionalization mandate which led to the closure of local residential programs for people with developmental disabilities. The Village began operating dedicated services to such children in 1973 which eventually led to a Community Living program operated by the Village throughout London beginning in 1989. This program existed for just over a decade.
During this time, the Village also began operating overnight respite services for children (beginning in 1992 ) and adults (beginning in 1995 ) with intellectual disabilities. These services continue today and now include special day time and evening services.
Child Care Centre Origins
Beginning in 1969, the Village responded to the need for day time child care, originally known as a day nursery, for infants and toddlers. With changes to provincial licensing standards, a new building was erected on the property to house the expanded child care centre which opened in 2008. Today, this program also supports pre - schoolers and includes “day camps” for school aged children during school breaks.
Adult Day Program Origins
Our newest program expanded services to seniors in 2006 when the Adult Day Program opened its doors. While primarily supporting seniors living with some form of dementia, the program now also supports frail seniors. This program not only provides day time respite for caregivers but also allows for social inclusion and meaningful activities for those who are at risk of isolation.
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The Salvation Army London Village Mission Statement:
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